Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Just don't have the gall

A few Sunday nights ago, I had severe heartburn,or so i thought(besides other thoughts like punishment for bunking church that morning). The pain just wouldn't stop and and even after popping some painkillers it persisted. Thus after a night of excruciating agony, i was taken for an ultrasound by a sheepish husband(earlier in the night,he had joked that it was just a case of overeating). We dragged ourselves to the clinic and I was made to drink so much water that i almost threw up yet again. By the end, my bladder was so full that i didn't even dare to laugh. This being indicative that i was "ready", the doc called me and,Lo and behold...found lots of tiny stones in my gallbladder. I was told that out of the four F's in medical parlance for being high risk,I didn't qualify for only one.Which unfortunately unlike the Cosmo tagline doesn't stand for "Fun,Fearless,Female".Rather,it's Female(yes),Fertile(ahem),Fat(or "Full-figured Venus-like body' ,or,"Foolish nosey people asking if you are pregnant") and Forty(not that old yet,which was the only "F" I did not qualify for).
To my horror,I was told that gallstones aren't like kidney stones which one can pass with the right medication. I'll have to get the entire damn thing removed,ie the stones including my precious gallbladder,which i have obviusly been neglecting by bombarding it with all kinds of Fried,Fatty Food(my fatal three F's). The thought of having one body part removed and gone forever is rather disturbing. When I had my Caesarean, I hazily gave the docs a go-ahead to trim the excess fat,but this is different.The only consolation came from my mom who told me that she knew one lady who lost 15 kilos after getting her gallbladder removed.Although that possibility sounded rather distant for someone who can gain weight just by reading cookbooks.
I went in for a couple of tests and found out that I'll need to wait a bit before the surgery,since my liver function has been affected. As I await D-day, I think of future excuse scenarios in which I'll explain to my boss-"Sir,I just don't have the gall for this,I mean,really...."and so on. This may actually work out in my favour after all.


  1. love the title and the ending. maybe i shouldn't be 'lol'-ing, but i just did - at the way you ended. excellent piece of writing - short and humorous. hope to read more from you while you still have the gall, and even when you don't :) wishing you all the best for the surgery.

  2. hey, just saw the date. you must've had the surgery already. hope it was successful. looking forward to your next post.
